경기 수원시 권선구 평동로9번길 59 (고색동)
801동 101호
COPPER ETCHANTS ( Synonyms : Cu etchant, 구리에천트)
최소구매수량 (MOQ) = 2EA
Unit : 1Gallon
Lead time : 2weeks
How do I increase the etch rate? | 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature. 2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation. |
How do I reduce the etch rate? | Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%. |
Do I need to dilute the etchant? | No, it is ready to use. |
How do I reduce undercutting? | Increase the rate of stirring or agitation. |
Appearance | Brown |
pH | Acidic |
Etch Rate at 40°C | 1 mil/minute (etches 1 oz copper in 90 seconds) |
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) | 19 oz/gallon |
Shelf Life | 1 year |
Storage Conditions | Ambient |
Filtration | 1 um |
Recommended Operating Temperatures | 20-80oC (30-40oC most common) |
Rinse | Deionized water |
Photoresist Recommendations | KLT6000 Series, KLT 5300 Series, HARE SQ (SU-8 type), TRANSIST, or PKP-308PI |
Select Compatible Materials | Au, oxide, nitride, alumina See https://transene.com/etch-compatibility/ for more details. |
Select Incompatible Materials | Al, Ni, Ti |
Compatible Plastics | HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC |
Country of Origin | USA |
Availability | Stock item |
Available Sizes | Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon |
Packaging | HDPE |
Packing | 4 gallons/case |
Isotropy | Isotropic |
Incompatible Chemicals | Strong bases, nitric acid |
Additional Information | Immersion or spray application |
COPPER ETCHANTS ( Synonyms : Cu etchant, 구리에천트)
최소구매수량 (MOQ) = 2EA
Unit : 1Gallon
Lead time : 2weeks
How do I increase the etch rate? | 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature. 2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation. |
How do I reduce the etch rate? | Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%. |
Do I need to dilute the etchant? | No, it is ready to use. |
How do I reduce undercutting? | Increase the rate of stirring or agitation. |
Appearance | Brown |
pH | Acidic |
Etch Rate at 40°C | 1 mil/minute (etches 1 oz copper in 90 seconds) |
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) | 19 oz/gallon |
Shelf Life | 1 year |
Storage Conditions | Ambient |
Filtration | 1 um |
Recommended Operating Temperatures | 20-80oC (30-40oC most common) |
Rinse | Deionized water |
Photoresist Recommendations | KLT6000 Series, KLT 5300 Series, HARE SQ (SU-8 type), TRANSIST, or PKP-308PI |
Select Compatible Materials | Au, oxide, nitride, alumina See https://transene.com/etch-compatibility/ for more details. |
Select Incompatible Materials | Al, Ni, Ti |
Compatible Plastics | HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC |
Country of Origin | USA |
Availability | Stock item |
Available Sizes | Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon |
Packaging | HDPE |
Packing | 4 gallons/case |
Isotropy | Isotropic |
Incompatible Chemicals | Strong bases, nitric acid |
Additional Information | Immersion or spray application |